Did Your Representative Vote Against Spending Cuts?

Who would believe last November that we would have Republicans in the House voting against spending cuts?

Last night Mark Levin linked to a story on his facebook page byabout how the US House Leadership voted with the Democrats to block a spending cut amendment.

The amendment would have cut an additional $22 Billion on top of the proposed $61 Billion in the Republican measure.

I counted, there are 92 Republicans alright, who voted with the Democrats. All of the Democrats.

I’ve found three of them in my state, find yours. Unfortunately, along with Cantor and Upton, I see that Allen West has also voted against this cut.

Here is an explanation of the amendment:

The amendment would perform a 5.5 percent across-the-board cut of all accounts in eight non-security divisions of the CR; and an 11 percent across-the-board cut of all accounts in the Legislative Branch bill. The amendment would not cut any funding for Israel.

Cut!!! Just cut the spending! What’s the hold up?

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