Why Elect Republicans Who Can’t at First Assert Their Own Liberty? | Jen Kuznicki

boehnerJohn Boehner has fought for his own power far more than has fought for the people of this nation.

A recent article in the warns future Republican Congressmen against trying to oust him as Speaker because they, “could be stripped of their committee assignments should they fail to support the two-term speaker.”

Past experience with the dug-in power-hungry Speaker proves that particular fate would most certainly befall them if they covertly or overtly try to oppose or replace him in January.  He and his shameless apparatchiks have threatened and carried out plots against fellow Republicans for seeing with clear eyes that this type of totalitarian rule cannot be sustained if they are to truly serve their constituencies or, for that matter, to keep the flame of liberty lit.

Having successfully treated members of the past Congress to his shallow and manipulative character, John Boehner should easily be protected from any insurgent challenge.  But as is the case with weak men of poor quality, he is lying publicly that he doesn’t support the notion that he would punish any dissenters.

The nation is at a point where the only possible way around a tyrannical and belligerent President in his final two years of constant destruction of American principles, is if we the people have a reliable firebrand to oppose him and his designs publicly, forcefully, and strategically.

The insufficient rejection of this President’s policies by the current Speaker are an insult to the good and wise people of this nation, and any Republican Congressman running for office now who wishes to fall in line behind this derelict and unconscionable man should be called out and chastised greatly for the ruinous acquiescence.

Where are the spines of these entitled men and women, who, for the gift of more than three times the median household income of you and I, go to Washington to ask an inadequate man from Ohio what they should do?

Those Americans who support and protect this Speaker have lost, or never learned what the American Spirit is.  Those bullies of K Street and moneyed interests who are so far removed from the households of the American family and their dark worries of an America which is no more, may indeed have access to national media but they do not hold the hearts and minds of the great American people.

This nation, our nation under God is at serious crossroads.  We are the patriots whose purpose is descended from the great founding of this government, that it would remain a government by, of and for the people, not those who wish to direct our every move.  If we send these Republicans into those offices in our capital, and they hold no interest in using their opportunity to effect a protection of their own liberty, how in the world can we expect them to protect ours?

Every issue at hand has gotten to this boiling point without serious opposition, and those who have opposed, have been singled out, laughed at, scorned by this Speaker, gleeful in his own slothful execution of his office.  He must be put aside.

We must have strong opposition to the President’s Party.  We must demand action from those seeking our votes.  We must stand strong and resolute against more authoritarian designs on free men and women, and that includes within the Republican leadership, because allowing such operation of the people’s house by a party founded in opposition to slavery is unnatural.

May God instruct a handful of true statesmen in that House of Representatives who will not only go there to do the work of the people, but work to oust the supine Boehner and inspire a good many to stand for their country rather than for a man who has




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8 Responses to Why Elect Republicans Who Can’t at First Assert Their Own Liberty?

  1. Patricia Childs says:

    Obama swore an oath when he took office to uphold the Constitution. He has countless times violated that promise and dragged our country down and more. Hasn't it been Mr. Boehner' s place to call him out on a y of these things ? Why do they seem to be sitting on their hands. How much more days.age to America as we knew it has to happen before ANYONE in DC will stand up & do something to restore all the wrongs,committed by Obama & Co.?? Mr. B poo dinner- you don't seem to be earning your paycheck to sit. Back and allow all these things to transpire without doing enough to preserve our country. * how much more damage.

  2. angelartiste1 says:

    Jen – With 30 days before an election, what purpose does this article serve? I dislike Boehner and many other RINOesque Republicans, but at this point we need to vote for every Republican on the ballot, period. This article can only serve to help maintain Senate power with the Dems, who are far worse. The next two years are going to be hell on Earth. Why make them worse? Couldn't you write articles like this AFTER the election?

    • Jen Kuznicki says:

      Gee, I don’t know, why is the Boehner office floating the idea that he’ll deny committee assignments if they are caught opposing him? It’s a two-way street, and I, in the face of tyranny, unlike Boehner, refuse to flinch. Listen to yourself, then look what he’s doing.

    • JohnInFlorida51 says:

      Jen, perhaps the purpose of this article is to move voters in Boehner's district to "vote the bum out" … reducing the total # of Repubs in the House would be FAR LESS damaging than removing Boehner.

      I guess it just requires that people think more as Conservatives than as Republicans.

    • Kauf Buch says:

      "I dislike Boehner and many other RINOesque Republicans,"

      "…but at this point we need to vote for every Republican on the ballot, period."
      AND: that "period" at the end brought such a sweet echo of the

      LOOK, CHUMP: there are 435 Representatives.
      DUMPING *ONE* who really really S*CKS and DESERVES TO GO will make NO DIFFERENCE at worst, and will help a more Conservative House at best.

      That's why it's known as THE NUCLEAR OPTION.
      It would be tempting to use it on McConnell as well but seeing as how weakly the GOP has campaigned on that side of the Capitol, there is now considerable doubt whether or not the GOP can take the Senate.

  3. Perry says:

    Tyrants from the left or right are still tyrants. The Speaker needs to take a stand and if his stand is not that of most Republicans in the House then have the courage to step aside. The threats agaist fellow Republicans is the stuff of thrid world governments.

  4. Toni Sicilian says:

    I believe that the Tea Party will vote for the Republicans, in spite of being targeted not only by the Democrats but by the Corrupted Rino section of the GOP! I really detest them for what they did and I constantly remind them of what the Tea Party accomplished in 2010!!!! I tell them that if it wasn't for us, Nancy Pelosi would still be speaker of the house! But John Boehner needs to be removed from his position! From what I understood, you do not need to be a member of Congress to be voted as speaker of the house. That changes things…..does it not???? Who can we get to run as speaker who is not an actual member of the Congress ……Perhaps Sarah Palin…..wouldn't that be special? We need a strong conservative to lead the Speakership Position. Suggestions anyone???? Could work! Brent Bozell?

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