Republicans That are Unfit for Office in the House of Representatives | Jen Kuznicki

Via :

Below is the full list of House Republicans to voted for the “clean” DHS spending bill:

1. Benishek
2. Bishop (Mich.)
3. Boehner
4. Bost
5. Brooks (Ind.)
6. Buchanan
7. Calvert
8. Carter (Texas)
9. Coffman
10. Cole
11. Collins (N.Y.)
12. Comstock
13. Costello (Pa.)
14. Curbelo (Fla.)
15. Davis, Rodney
16. Denham
17. Dent
18. Diaz-Balart
19. Dold
20. Ellmers (N.C.)
21. Emmer (Minn.)
22. Fitzpatrick
23. Frelinghuysen
24. Gibson
25. Granger
26. Guinta
27. Hanna
28. Hardy
29. Heck (Nev.)
30. Hurd (Texas)
31. Jolly
32. Katko
33. King (N.Y.)
34. Kinzinger (Ill.)
35. Kline
36. Knight
37. Lance
38. LoBiondo
39. MacArthur
40. McCarthy
41. McCaul
42. McHenry
43. McMorris Rogers
44. McSally
45. Meehan
46. Miller (Mich.)
47. Moolenaar
48. Murphy (Pa.)
49. Noem
50. Nunes
51. Paulsen
52. Pittenger
53. Pitts
54. Poliquin
55. Reichert
56. Rogers (Ky.)
57. Ros-Lehtinen
58. Royce
59. Ryan (Wis.)
60. Scalise
61. Schock
62. Shimkus
63. Simpson
64. Smith (N.J.)
65. Stefanik
66. Stivers
67. Thompson (Pa.)
68. Tiberi
69. Trott
70. Turner
71. Upton
72. Valadao
73. Walden
74. Walters, Mimi
75. Young (Ind.)

Dan Benishek, my House Representative, votes against the very constitution he is supposed to protect and defend.

Enough is enough.

Hat tip: Barry Dale



On Motion to Recede and Concur in the Senate Amendment: H.R. 240: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015



AZ Yea Martha McSally Republican
CA Yea Steve Knight Republican
CA Yea Mimi Walters Republican
CA Yea Kevin McCarthy Republican
CA Yea Ken Calvert Republican
CA Yea Jeff Denham Republican
CA Yea Edward “Ed” Royce Republican
CA Yea Devin Nunes Republican
CA Yea David Valadao Republican
CO Yea Mike Coffman Republican
FL Yea Vern Buchanan Republican
FL Yea Mario Diaz-Balart Republican
FL Yea Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Republican
FL Yea David Jolly Republican
FL Yea Carlos Curbelo Republican
ID Yea Michael “Mike” Simpson Republican
IL Yea Rodney Davis Republican
IL Yea Mike Bost Republican
IL Yea John Shimkus Republican
IL Yea Bob Dold Republican
IL Yea Adam Kinzinger Republican
IL Yea Aaron Schock Republican
IN Yea Todd Young Republican
IN Yea Susan Brooks Republican
KY Yea Harold “Hal” Rogers Republican
LA Yea Steve Scalise Republican
ME Yea Bruce Poliquin Republican
MI Yea Mike Bishop Republican
MI Yea John Moolenaar Republican
MI Yea Fred Upton Republican
MI Yea Dave Trott Republican
MI Yea Dan Benishek Republican
MI Yea Candice Miller Republican
MN Yea Tom Emmer Republican
MN Yea John Kline Republican
MN Yea Erik Paulsen Republican
NC Yea Robert Pittenger Republican
NC Yea Renee Ellmers Republican
NC Yea Patrick McHenry Republican
NH Yea Frank Guinta Republican
NJ Yea Tom MacArthur Republican
NJ Yea Rodney Frelinghuysen Republican
NJ Yea Leonard Lance Republican
NJ Yea Frank LoBiondo Republican
NJ Yea Christopher “Chris” Smith Republican
NV Yea Joseph Heck Republican
NV Yea Cresent Hardy Republican
NY Yea Richard Hanna Republican
NY Yea Peter “Pete” King Republican
NY Yea John Katko Republican
NY Yea Elise Stefanik Republican
NY Yea Christopher Gibson Republican
NY Yea Chris Collins Republican
OH Yea Steve Stivers Republican
OH Yea Patrick “Pat” Tiberi Republican
OH Yea Michael Turner Republican
OH Yea John Boehner Republican
OK Yea Tom Cole Republican
OR Yea Greg Walden Republican
PA Yea Tim Murphy Republican
PA Yea Ryan Costello Republican
PA Yea Patrick Meehan Republican
PA Yea Michael Fitzpatrick Republican
PA Yea Joseph Pitts Republican
PA Yea Glenn Thompson Republican
PA Yea Charles Dent Republican
SD Yea Kristi Noem Republican
TX Yea Will Hurd Republican
TX Yea Michael McCaul Republican
TX Yea Kay Granger Republican
TX Yea John Carter Republican
VA Yea Barbara Comstock Republican
WA Yea David Reichert Republican
WA Yea Cathy McMorris Rodgers Republican
WI Yea Paul Ryan Republican


  • BrewMistress

    Enough is enough indeed! I will no longer be a constituent of the 1st, the 106th, or MI at large next year.

    • David

      Benishek is a failure to the people who got him elected in 2010. This is his last term (so he said he would only serve 6 years), so we need to make sure in 2016 we elect a conservative and not an Obama-Republican like Benishek.


    Cowards all…….I expected more of Calvert and Boner……I guess we need new people back there, the one’s we have have forgotten why they are there…..They put Party ahead of the Country and the People……Screw That…..

  • task

    They figure Judge Hanen will get them off the hook. This may also be a legal matter but the courts are too slow and they all know it. They just don’t want us to know that they want amnesty and want us to think that they were really forced to do what they promised they would not,.This is no longer the Obama Agenda. It is the Agenda in which republicans think that a show of force will appease the base when in fact it enrages us. In fact the Administration is still doing much of what Judge Hanen placed a restraining order on. They are in violation of the Order.

    The next House and Senate Bill (after removing the filibuster) should be to clearly define and limit the extent of the Executive’s unilateral overreach of its’ executive powers. Cage them!. Better yet would be an Amendment crafted like the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th Amendments which, although not necessary, clearly gives Congress another way to do what should be done over and above using the power of the purse alone. As long as theres Congresses are becoming dumber and dumber and judges are becoming more and more politicized the Constitution needs to be better armed to protect the Republic.

  • David

    Who voted against it from MI? Bill Huizenga, Justin Amash and Tim Walberg.

  • McCloud9

    This “Government” Doesn’t Give A DAMN For The American People… Democrats/Republicans They Are The SAME, They Get Two Paychecks, ONE From The Taxpayers (For LIFE Too), And ONE From The Rich Big Business Power Brokers. Politicians are in Washington DC for TWO Things : Power and Money !
    “Liberty LOST, Is Liberty LOST FOREVER”…
    Well People, Guess What ?

  • MinutemanCDC_SC

    So, how many are ready now to acknowledge that the “two-party system” is the Globalist-Is1amist system vs. the rest of us?

    (R) and (D), or “conservative” and progressive, have become irrelevant in these times. Is the candidate’s basic conviction to support Christians and Jews, Americans and Israel? If not, or if part of that commitment is negotiable under fire or sword, then . . .

    Remember the mnemonic “GILA”, referring to the Globalists and the Is1amists vs. Americans, with the Low-infomation-voters in the middle, up for grabs or for sale.

    Yes, GILA is a Monster – a poisonous pairing of two Beasts (Rev. 13).

  • MinutemanCDC_SC

    Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) might have been expected to vote “Yea” but didn’t.