Comments on: Mitchell’s Basal Instinct /2012/08/mitchells-basal-instinct/ Conservative writer Tue, 18 Aug 2015 04:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: alnjen /2012/08/mitchells-basal-instinct/comment-page-1/#comment-1592 Tue, 14 Aug 2012 04:04:27 +0000 /?p=2750#comment-1592 Wow! Thank you, Ma'm. Love how the Lord gives 'gifts' to people, and how you, my dear lady, are using yours! : Thanks, Jen, as well! Always good at using yours, my lady. :)

By: task /2012/08/mitchells-basal-instinct/comment-page-1/#comment-1591 Mon, 13 Aug 2012 11:19:26 +0000 /?p=2750#comment-1591 Years ago women often elected to get abortions because there was a stigma associated with unwed sex and obviously children born out of wedlock would be testimony to that behavior. The feminist left removed the stigma and have gone much further by encouraging the behavior. The evident result is the fatherless, matriarchal family. Now what is their solution to the greatest threat to freedom and the civil society? It is not only prophylaxis but, more importantly, it is abortion on demand which is supposed to become more difficult the closer a woman gets to parturition yet they oppose that because it represents a compromise of Roe vs. Wade. And because their solutions created even larger problems what do they now do? They support and encourage the welfare state, where government becomes the chief patriarch as a substitute for the sperm donor and which has the added bonus of supplying the votes needed to perpetuate this biological and social anomaly.

You have to sometime marvel over how stupid many women can be when they buy the line perpetuated by the feminist left that they are as capable as men at supporting themselves. That is patently dishonest because it does not take into consideration that most woman will be burdened by significant family responsibilities that most men never have to deal with and in a society where out of wedlock births and divorce are now the norm and even increasing it is becoming even more challenging for women to cultivate functionally productive and responsible human beings as they simultaneously engage in the work force required to support themselves and provide for the taxes that are minimally returned to subsidize the consequences of a society hell bent on creating psychologically damaged children and the adults they ultimately become.

Children are the future of our species. This is where we are supposed to place the greatest emphasis pertinent to our productivity. The two-parent family always was and always will be the best social milieu to raise responsible, productive and mentally satisfied human beings. Ask yourself what party has done the most to undermine this concept?
