Comments on: Karl Rove is Wrong About the American People /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/ Conservative writer Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:41:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: task /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3055 task Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:41:15 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3055 Americans have survived many episodes of government shutdown but this time the progressive caucus protests too loudly as to how bad things may be. There is an old adage regarding the employee that never misses a day at work regardless of how sick he is because he worries the boss might wonder why the business continues to function so well without him. Ultimately liberals need as many people dependent on big government as is possible and the last thing they want is for people to understand how unnecessary these authoritarian thugs are outside of their own mindsets.

By: task /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3047 task Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:58:29 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3047 Many years ago I wrote a computer program to do a process because no one else had written a more useful alternative. I expanded upon that program for about a decade when it was replaced by people who did what I needed full time and did it better than I could. The only thing that we had in common, at that point, is that we both did the same thing and wrote in the same language. But their's was better.

The "Architect" Rove got G.W. elected and within those eight years he became one of the most contentious and feared people in politics. He was despised by the left and loved by the right and is probably the reason why Libby got hit so hard by Fitzgerald using a D.C. jury. The left wanted to get Rove out of the picture and went on a massive fishing expedition looking for information that they already had. Rove should know how Cruz feels because he was hated just as much during that period. At that time Rove was virtually unchallenged because Bush rode on the coattails of Ronald Reagan who people loved but the left contended that Reagan was for the "rich guy" and that the little people were irrelevant. Hence the term "compassionate conservative" was created as a foolish misnomer that had more to do with maintaining popularity than either compassion or conservatism. Rove, like my original computer program, is outdated. Furthermore Rove like the Bushes has been unmasked. He and the Bush family had nothing to do with conservatism and the only connection the Bush's had with the Reagan philosophy was the VP slot Reagan gave to the senior Bush. I always said that Reagan made two very big mistakes. The first was that he did not dismantle the Department of Education. Had he done so at the time we might not have the ACA today . Second is that he choose the wrong VP. Once again, had he done otherwise, we might not have the ACA. I will never forget the exclamation that Ronald Reagan's domestic spending agenda was called "voodoo economics". That said a lot and we know who said it.

Karl Rove was on the Greta Van Susteren Show last night using his old white board tactics to show why it would be wrong to try and defund the ACA in the House and how Cruz will fail in the Senate using a filibuster approach. He was forced to recognize and admit that Cruz is part of his (Rove's) problem (he is influencing the House) and Greta emphasized that America wants no more of the same worn out and overplayed tactics. Rove maintains this shutdown will be different than the one in 1995 and will be far worse because Obama wants to make it such. Yes, it will be but I clearly saw in Karl Rove a timidity and sense that reminded be of the one of the Japanese commanders just before the Battle of Midway when he exclaimed that he thought we that Japan had awakened a sleeping giant. Does Mr. Rove remember 2010? The people still do and they now know what fiscal conservatism is all about. Rove is using a very outdated computer model. Furthermore, it now does the wrong thing.

By: Terry Wood /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3044 Terry Wood Fri, 20 Sep 2013 05:00:40 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3044 This folks is all about money to Mr. Rove. He must keep the coffers full for his PAC and also for himself. He is just following where he believes those monies will come from. I have some important news for you Carl. Better plan on packing your bags for retirement.

By: Cry and Howl /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3039 Cry and Howl Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:16:41 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3039 And he's one of the "25 Most Influential People On The Right For 2013" … Influential in what way is up for interpretation I suppose.

By: Jen Kuznicki /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3038 Jen Kuznicki Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:05:30 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3038 Well said!

By: Vincent /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3037 Vincent Thu, 19 Sep 2013 14:41:21 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3037 I agree, he is out of touch. What he fails to see is people like myself who have identified as libertarian republican since 1989. We are tired of leftist policies that help nobody, enslave the poor and minorities and cost us too much from our pockets. We are also tired of staunch beliefs that were not historically republican and demise personal liberty. We are the grass roots, we are the inclusive, we put personal choice of liberty before the collective thought, and we will defend this soil and our allies but do not care to engage in affairs not directly our own.

By: arnonerik /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3036 arnonerik Thu, 19 Sep 2013 14:26:54 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3036 You are so right, Jen Kuznicki. The majority of Americans don't want to go where the Left is taking us but they won't follow a Republican party that is willing to compromise or surrender on everything that they think is important.
If the Republicans don't give us choice that defends and fights for traditional American values, we will either stay home during the next election or we will go 3rd party.
Rove is an idiot and I increasingly wonder which side of the aisle he is really working for.

By: Tina /2013/09/karl-rove-is-wrong-about-the-american-people/comment-page-1/#comment-3035 Tina Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:58:17 +0000 /?p=4300#comment-3035 I too just read Rove's WSJ editorial. I agree, he is out of touch with the American people and goes out of his way to discredit any true conservative politician who actually tried to stand up for constitutional principles.

He is wrongly respected by journalists and RINO's. His track record of predicting election and policy outcomes is becoming bad. Afterall, he predicted Romney would win . . .
