Krugman calls the right, “anti-intellectual�?

Coming from Krugman, is supposed to be some big insult.  But, let’s look into it, shall we?

Krugman asserts that anyone opposed to the groupthink alarmism of global warming is anti-intellectual.  The truth is, rejection of bad science is the most definitive exercise of individual thought.

If the right is “anti-intellectual�? then that means they stand for the common, working man.  This is a fact, since the purpose of the global warming hoax is to kill industry.  Who works in industry?  The common, working man and woman.

If Krugman is the intellectual standard-bearer, the average worker loses, and the “middle class�? suffers.  If it is intellectual to kill the incomes of the largest population in the nation, then intellectualism be damned.


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