It’s getting boring, almost. Karl Rove’s routine is getting old. Let’s see, cite a few polls, give some advice no one asked for or should listen to, slime from studio to studio, and never, ever stand for principle.
Rove an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, detailing his thoughts on how the President can save his term.
Mr. Obama’s 40% approval is lower than Bill Clinton’s in 1994 and his own in 2010, when Democrats suffered massive midterm losses.
Finish the sentence, Rove. “..when Democrats suffered massive midterm losses due to the influence of the tea party on the Republican Party during election time.”
Absent a crisis that causes the nation to rally around him, Mr. Obama will never again see approval numbers like those in his first year in office or even the months after his re-election. He must now consider how to prevent a further slide.
Oh pleeeeze Mr. Obama, listen to Karl Rove and save yourself! We are all just so worried that your legacy might be that you are the worst president in history!
Can you believe it? Karl Rove worries that the president might not come off looking very good, and he wants to help.
Karl Rove is why the Republican Party sucks so bad. He’s a Republican consultant, pundit, media whore, and he doesn’t get that the Democrats are the enemy. It’s like he’s been biting his nails and losing sleep over how the President, the worst in our lifetime, can make himself likable, supposedly to Republican partisans.
Hey Rove, if Obama didn’t give a rat’s ass about Brian Terry, Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and now Tahmooressi, then patriotic Americans shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about his legacy. In fact, the more trouble that piles on this president the better, so we can show what Marxism, applied liberally to a nation of free men will get you.
The more political Mr. Obama acts, the less successful he will be. Stepping back from hyperpartisanship is the only way to foster a climate in which Washington functions during his last two-and-a-quarter years.
So Karl Rove is betting that the Republicans are going to keep the House and take the Senate, and here he wants to give Obama a guide to how to work with a Republican Congress. There’s the difference between us and Rove. Rove gives no judgement of the President’s actions and intent, but there is an eagerness to partner with him anyway.
The president must stop diminishing his own credibility.
NO! Please, diminish your credibility, Obama! I don’t know if you could do a better job, but try anyhow!
He should show up in the Oval Office earlier and more often, golf and fundraise less, and give building relationships and digging into the tasks at hand everything he’s got for his last 28 months. There’s time to recreate after he leaves office.
Does anyone believe that our nation would be better off if the President spent more time digging up, shredding, and burying our national pride? Rove’s like, “Hey Obama, if you just applied yourself, you’d have a better outcome, you can do it, make us proud.” The part about recreation makes me think of Donald Trump’s tweet last night:
THAT’s how an American talks to a President who has clearly created a global charlie foxtrot. Resign!
Mr. Obama must change for a better trajectory during his last months in office.
Finally, the president should discard his threats of unconstitutional executive action. When he circumvents Congress, Mr. Obama inflames tensions, makes it easier to undo his policies and could leave the presidency weaker by his overreach.
Yeah, because we wouldn’t want Mr. Obama’s policies to be easily undone. No, when the Republicans want amnesty, they want to make sure it’s permanent.
So many of us yearn for a principled Republican Party with a backbone. People like Karl Rove are why we can’t have nice things.
Mr. Obama’s difficulties are somewhat caused by circumstances, but mostly the result of his actions. His bad poll numbers were long in coming and may be impossible to reverse. Yet he can stabilize his situation. This will require him to acknowledge mistakes, shift in light of facts, and build bridges to political opponents and foreign allies. The question is whether he has the strength of character, energy, suppleness of mind, introspection and humility to make these necessary changes.
….Love can build a bridge…. I feel like that song should be playing in the background.
And what the hell kind of phrase is “suppleness of mind?”
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