Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote for Mitt Romney

Weasel Zippers said it, and I thank them.

“(Politico) — Gov. Mitt Romney lobbied the credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s in 2004 to raise his state’s credit rating in part because Massachusetts had raised taxes during an economic downturn two years earlier.”

Hey, what a great idea! Republicans should raise taxes and talk to S&P and everything would be great, gee that Mr. Obama isn’t as effective as Mitt!


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Steyn on the Levin show last night.

People need to stop ignoring the fact that when America is brought to it’s knees, there is no way out of worldwide disaster.

Rome was brought down by massive spending, not by war.

Amplify’d from

Mark Steyn: After America, get ready for Armageddon

Mark Levin spoke with Rush’s best substitute host, , about his fantastic new book, .

Listen to the interview:

Click to download.


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