Antrim County recount issues swept under Jocelyn Benson's rug - Jen Kuznicki
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The hand recount in Antrim County, Michigan was touted as fair by the Secretary of State, showing a 12 vote gain by Donald Trump. The Secretary of State said that the voting machines accurately tabulated the votes.

Well, accurately except for twelve.

Benson was very thrilled to report this, as inaccurately accurate I suppose, however, the issues with Antrim are ongoing.

Remember the tallies of three separate reports from Antrim, with wildly swinging results. This is all explained away as an error by the clerk, and it would have been caught anyway. I don’t believe that line, since it was shown again on November 21st, that the vote totals changed AGAIN.

At the recount, Greg MacMaster happened to be at the table, along with a Democrat (Greg is a former Republican Michigan legislator) that was to recount the most controversial of precincts, Central Lake Township.

The following is his report. Note that the election supervisor said that it would be noted that the recount brought up questions of ballot harvesting and possible other fraud, and yet was not addressed by the Secretary of State.

MacMaster is right, further questions came up on how elections are being held and the integrity of the elections themselves is patently obvious.