I’m a wife of nearly 20 years, a mother of two teenagers. My husband is a mechanic, I am a seamstress. I’ve worked as a cleaning lady, a bartender, a waitress, a grocery clerk and in management, an insurance salesman, and seamstress. I’ve lived in a house, a cabin and a trailer.
I’m a conservative, and I argue against liberalism, no matter what party it resides in. I belong to the Michigan Republican Party and have been involved for the past 4 years at the local level. I am a tea party conservative, or, constitutional conservative, meaning that I learn as much as I can about the founding of this nation and help others understand.
Politics is an argument, and you get pretty good at it when you’ve been married so many years, and of course, listening to Mark Levin helps a lot.
After many years of struggle, my husband and I have our own land and home and are continuously improving our property.
I thank God I was born in America, and pray to God we can get it back on the right track.
15 Responses to About
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Welcome to the debate.
- "It always amazes me the sheer number of women who defend abortion. Legal abortion has killed 52 million innocents since '73, that means 26 million roughly, were women. Sick." -Jen Kuznicki
- Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country. -Margaret Thatcher
- Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. -Ronald Reagan
- I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end. -Margaret Thatcher
- Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. -Winston Churchill
- Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. -Winston Churchill
I Don’t Deny Global Warming Exists
I don't deny that global warming exists. It does not exist. There is not a pink elephant in my kitchen. I'm not denying it. It is not there. If I denied that there was a pink elephant in my kitchen, it would have to be there, but I would be lying to myself and everyone and walk around it to cook. But it is not there, therefore, I am not denying that it is.- I can find neither solace or comfort in government. I cannot find hope nor light among those pretending to take my best interest to heart. I cannot worship or revere another human being because there are none alive that can instill my faith. Give me the One God; the One Who had created the heavens and earth and had purposefully breathed life into me. The One Who dwells in the secret place and watches over me and always keeps me company when all others abandoned me. But for Him I would have no purpose in this life; thank you Dear God.
New York Times Bestseller by Mark R. Levin
My Mischievous Twitter Feed
- the FEC was established to protect the two parties, third will never get on ballot, R's weakened=Dem rule from
- Is it too much to ask to have our congresspeople and state representatives to be at least as informed as we are?... from
- Hey Congressman Dan Benishek, you just gave away your most valued possession, THE POWER OF THE PURSE! Good luck... from
- Hey, that's me on the front page of CNS News! Honor Is Not a Fool's Errand, No Matter What John McCain Says from
- Oh My God, what an Idiot! 1. there is no default unless the POS POTUS wants to be impeached, 2. the government... from
- Honor Is Not A Fool's Errand from
- Obama is litigating giving last rites to dying military members.... from
Love the Jen!
Thanks Pat, check's in the mail!
Oh Jen—you do have a way with words! Thanks for fighting the good fight!
Thanks Donna, very very much:)
I just found your blog through a Mark Levin link on his FB page. Love your point of view, your background, and your passion.
Thank you for your comment on your side bar about why we must speak up. I was always taught to not talk about religion and politics, but your point is great…..both are being ATTACKED by our government.
I have similar thoughts to yours and try not to continually press those views onto people I know (FB, neighbors, etc) and usually confine my thoughts to my blog page and to comments on the internet.
No more!
Keep up the great work.
thank you, very, very much
Mark Levin can only show you, as a living example, of what the Founders tried to prevent!!
I find your blog to be a breath of fresh air. I am involved with the party in Massachusetts (sigh). I feel constantly frustrated with the weakness and cowardice of those who run the State party. They are particularly yellow bellies on social issues. I can only imagine you have had similar problems in your state. I have said many times if my the party, such as it is in MA comes out pro gay marriage, pro abortion I will have no choice but to leave. God bless you and keep up the good fight.
just found your blog — my sister from another mother! Love Mark Levin to always tell it straight. Surrounded by liberals all my life — and not knowing it — I'm a late bloomer. I knew I didn't fit in there but could not find any connections — then I realized I was surrounded by libs but never drank the koolaid! So the fog has lifted and I've been working through the mess for less than ten years. And the starting line "about" you is where I start: conservative principles over party — that's searching for truth wherever it leads, not party politics. I love your relationship with Jesus
I've been married 41 years and many years ago my husband said in fact "me and JC are tight" and I loved how simple that was and your quote reminded me of that. And double meaning for us is Jesus and husband share the same initials JC
I'll be here in Indiana, not far, if you need a loyal friend. Let's stand together in the face of fear and go for it…
Thank you Nancy, it is an honor to meet you, thank you so much for your kind words:)
Nancy, love your comments. JC is our best friend too! We are from Midwest but live in DFW area of TX. I have been in politics and have always ignored party but look at person starting with school board all the way up. I can't believe I was on huge MSNBC chat line so long ago before they took a dive into the deep left! I too am unsure at times and overwhelmed but as a friend numbed Nancze in OK says, "Who will if we don't!
Just found your blog. I too am a wife, mother, conservative and seamstress. I was born in WI my husband in Hillsdale, MI. We have lived in TX for past 25 years and are involved in conservative politics for many years!
You are the voice of many who don't have a blog, are fearful but still are deeply concerned! Way to go!
Thanks! Wow, another seamstress:)
Found your website on Bad Blue. As a constitutionalist, I feel right at home here. Looking at the column on the left side, I read your remarks on AGW deniers. I blogged on another site that I am not a denier, nor a skeptic, I am a total global warming/climate change atheist. Looking forward to reading your comments on the crucial situation we face today.
thanks very much! Welcome!