When Mitt Romney ran for president in 2012, he proudly stood by RomneyCare. The most his genius consultants came up with to defend him, was that RomneyCare wasn’t the same as ObamaCare, because states have the right to address these kinds of issues, not the federal government.
But a video found by shows Mitt Romney praising Jonathan Gruber, and reminds everyone of the sameness between the two government health care plans. Back in 2011, held an interview with Gruber, where he rebuked Romney’s on-the-campaign-trail rejection of the sameness of the plans.
“He credited Mitt Romney for not totally disavowing the Massachusetts bill during his presidential campaign, but said Romney’s attempt to distinguish between Obama’s bill and his own is disingenuous.
‘The problem is there is no way to say that,’ Gruber said. ‘Because they’re the same fucking bill. He just can’t have his cake and eat it too. Basically, you know, it’s the same bill. He can try to draw distinctions and stuff, but he’s just lying. The only big difference is he didn’t have to pay for his. Because the federal government paid for it. Where at the federal level, we have to pay for it, so we have to raise taxes.'”
With all the focus now on the words of Jonathan Gruber, calling him the $6 million dollar man, how he called the American people, “stupid,” and his affirmation of the underhanded way in which the law was written, Republicans are at a position of strength, even as NBC, CBS, and ABC nightly news are avoiding reporting on it, all because of the diligent work of a man named .
So the Republicans have momentum from this gift dropped in their lap to repeal Obamacare like they promised in their campaigns, and where is Mitt Romney?
I googled, “Mitt Romney Repeal Obamacare,” and found pages and pages of his promise to repeal Obamacare if he was elected in 2012. But, he wasn’t elected, and now, he rarely speaks about Obamacare, instead to the issue of. It reminds me of the day after the 2012 election when Boehner said that Obamacare was the law of the land and that Republicans would do best to move on. With that in mind, do we really believe that in 2015, the House and Senate will vote to repeal Obamacare, since McConnell can’t decide if he has the right to do it with 51 votes rather than 60?
The mush Republicans who continue this charade of theirs, enjoying the fact that the people are on their side and then doing the bare minimum and making excuses for why they can’t go all the way, is boring. I mean it, it’s boring, and wrong, but mostly boring.
If we had a Party leadership that felt something and could make people stand up and say, “Hell yeah!,” life as a Republican wouldn’t suck so much. But we don’t, and we won’t, so it does.
Mitt Romney is hinting at a run in 2016, and prominent people in the party are saying they want him to have another chance. But what kind of nominee was Romney in 2012, who refused to acknowledge that government taking control of healthcare is not a conservative, or even a republican thing to do? He lost, not because Obama was so great, but because on the key issue that plagued America, he was, just as he is now, AWOL.