I hope everyone had a great New Year’s, we visited friends and talked about how stupid our governor (Whitmer) is. Here in Michigan, they have it all figured out. In the spring we were locked down and it was called a lockdown. We couldn’t go anywhere but the store. Now, it’s not called a lockdown, but you can’t go anywhere but the store. Same people are put out of work, same businesses are shut down, and the same people who are all Democrats are still telling us all that the restrictions will be lifted as soon as we wear our masks.
Fricking where are we not wearing our masks? We can’t go anywhere or do anything FFS. But I digress…
This post isn’t about the stupid virus.
Sometimes I find it hard to write. I’m sure that’s true for a lot of people who write for a living, writer’s block and all, but I don’t write for a living. I just write because that’s the best way I can express myself.
Which a lot of you will find out once I start podcasting, lol!
I’ve gotten into trouble for talking too much in school my entire schooling career. Cracking jokes and challenging stupid teachers, had me writing demerits in grade school and getting extra assignments in high school. Was that everybody or just me?
But my teachers always said I had a talent for writing. I know it, and so it is frustrating for me to force myself to sit down and write about what is going on in America because I don’t want to express what I’m thinking about.
So, forgive me for the silly opening of this post but it was needed to get me to start thinking and writing what I’m thinking about.
Today Georgia is voting for two Republican Senators we hope. They have to in order to control the Senate.
Tomorrow, much will be happening in Washington D.C. and people from all over the nation are right now traveling to D.C. to show support for the president.
I am going to a small rally in a town north of here to support the president and be with folks of like mind.
If, God forbid, the Democrats take the Senate and the White House, we have a ton of things we will have to do to resist all of their demands. If the Republicans take the Senate but the White House goes to Biden, we will have a ton of things we will have to do to stop the Republicans from going along with Democrat demands. Which to me, is much, much harder, because Republicans are chickens.
I’m not saying I hope Biden wins, I’m saying look at the putrescent Republicans, and tell me that it will be worthwhile to hold the Senate with McConnell in charge.
Maybe worthwhile is the wrong word, it’s just frustrating to me that since the November election we’ve been telling Georgia that they have to vote Republican, don’t forget to vote Republican, gotta get out the vote for Republicans and all the while, it’s the Republicans that screw us over every single time they get a chance.
If Trump continues to be president he will probably have to call in the military to put down the destruction that BLM and Antifa will commit, and by the way, a whole lot of good old boys will gladly meet them in the streets as well.
See, I knew this post would ramble. But let me continue anyway.
Just look at the possibilities of the things that could happen in the next 36 hours, and for the next fifteen days until inauguration. We are talking about historical, world-changing events, and I’m like a lot of people, all knotted up.
I wrote a piece a while back titled, “Let Georgia Trump voters vote their conscience, and let’s get busy” to rave reviews.
Actually, I think about maybe two hundred people read it. People were not in the mood to talk about letting Georgia do anything but vote for the two Republican Senators. Someone on Parler took issue with me because it was bad advice, she thought, to advise Georgians to vote their conscience. It was too important, they had to save the country, no, Georgians have to vote for the Republicans to save the country, not vote their conscience.
Which I thought, sorta made my point in a funny way. Why would she assume that “voting your conscience” means not voting for Republicans?
I’ll tell you why I like that phrase, “voting your conscience” so much. It’s what Ted Cruz told his voters to do at the convention in 2016, and I was a Cruzer and I took it to heart. Voting your conscience, to me, meant exactly what they are trying to accomplish in Georgia, vote for the people less likely to screw up your entire future. I didn’t like how Trump treated Cruz, and I let him know it, but I voted for Trump regardless, because I voted my conscience.
At any rate, in that piece, I suggested that Trump voters vote, then join the Republican Party to overwhelm it with Deplorables. I think it’s a good strategy if Trump wins or if, God forbid, Biden wins. Because it has a better chance of producing another Trump down the line.
I know at some point I’m going to have to stop this because it’s probably rambling too much, sorry. Just know that you, dear reader, are participating in a needed break in the wall of a dam, and so thanks for being there.
I can just hear the, “Oh Jen, you always suggest joining the Republican Party, what good has it done?”
It produced Trump.
It really did, the tea party surge in 2009-10 produced Trump. And all those folks from back then are still here, inside the party, still fighting to flip it, and boy is it obvious the party is about to really screw up. So, as usual, people will say to hell with the Republican Party, let’s start a new one, just like always, ad nauseam.
But I still say there is a Big, McLarge, Huge problem with starting a new party, most of which you can figure out for yourselves, but for me, it’s quite simple. What the heck are you going to do with the Federal Elections Commission, which was created by Republicans and Democrats and are in charge of elections, and whether your new party gets on the ballot. So far, the wizards of smart (God I miss Rush being there everyday) haven’t told me how the frick they plan to deal with that.
There are plenty of precincts that need Republican delegates, fill them with Trumpers and rule the roost. Whether Trump is in office or not, he’ll be the undisputed leader of the party, and we can have a future that is bright.
Well, thank you for this exercise. It’s not a good post, I can see the frowny faces on my SEO analysis ☹️. oops. Glad I don’t have a board of directors or they’d have kicked me out of the room by now.
I guess you could call this a rambler-open thread. There, just came up with a title.