A Tale of Two Americas | Jen Kuznicki

In 1895, long before the Great Society, long before the New Deal and over a decade before the 16th Amendment established the progressive income tax H.G. Wells wrote the science fiction novella, the “Time Machine�? that portrayed a futuristic society where the human race had evolved into two species, where one still resembled the humans we know and the other survived because they preyed upon them. Most people who read the novella were entranced over the concept of time travel and since that year countless stories, films and scientific articles have embraced and embellished on the theory.

From the moment I read the story I recognized elements that bore a striking resemblance to the reality of our times. Before Medicare and Medicaid existed, when SS was a relatively benign economic liability, before the fatherless matriarchal family became institutionalized, before home relief, food stamps, unemployment, public housing and a myriad menu of other entitlements had been conceived to become ubiquitous America was showing symptoms of an internal threat as significant as any conceivable military scenario. America was clearly advancing into two economic fractions as divergent in their beliefs as two countries speaking two different languages and who share completely different values. It is not the Capulet’s vs. the Montague’s, the Hatfield’s vs. the McCoy’s, or the Jets vs. the Sharks. It is the Capitalists vs. the Socialists and this President is the leader of the latter camp.

Despite the best political philosophers from Aristotle thru Locke, upon which we have based our Founding Principles, our civilization, our concepts of capitalism and free markets, our individual rights to own and use property has arisen a new slavery where a democracy allows millions to applaud the transfer of property from those who morally earned it though earnest effort to those who legally get to steal it.

Obama is not just about sharing the wealth; he is not even about compassion for those that really could use charity; he is not about fairness; he is not about equality under the law. He is about a passionate dislike for those that achieve success and therefore will never be about creating wealth. At a time when we need Reaganesque leadership anew, a fast and furious return to economic principles that are based upon the Laws of Nature that define how humans as a species best survive, the country is driven at an unbelievable velocity in exactly the same direction as southern Europe under the grandiose idea that more of what is wrong for them is actually what will be good for us.

H.G. Wells wrote a fictional story that also depicts a reality. Therefore the story does not have to be fictional. All you have to do is remove the time machine and reconnoiter through the last century, top it off with three and a half years of the Obama Administration plus an additional four more years of the same policies to realize that liberty can be lost in less than the span of one lifetime.  Ask yourself; In Obama’s fundamentally changed America what part of H.G. Well’s novella best represents the life that your children will experience? You only have two choices.

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4 Responses to A Tale of Two Americas

  1. task says:

    Tocqueville once stated that democracy offered "equality in liberty as opposed to socialism which offered equality only in servitude." Think carefully about his remark because he was wrong. Notice in my post that I mentioned how so many wish to legally steal. Tocqueville never thought that a people would not want freedom if they could have their way yet now what is happening in America? We became, as a nation, so wealthy that the socialists could tax that wealth and redistribute it so that enough people think that government can provide them with more than they can provide for themselves. This is a recent phenomenon that represents the success of the industrial revolution which provided food, shelter and amenities beyond anything that could be perceived in most of our history save for Greece and Rome which suffered the same fate we now are experiencing. In other words the socialists campaign by offering freedom from the responsibility of freedom. They offer freedom from the pursuit of happiness because you can legally steal the happiness that someone earnestly worked for based upon their definition that everyone has a birthright of entitlement to any and all happiness. This is what the democrats (the socialist party) are selling and they have successfully created a population of voters that see it the same way. A phenomenon such as this defeats a Constitutional Republic because it replaces it with a jealous and envious democracy that for all intents and purposes represents nothing more than a mob. What does a mob care about law and property when they have been incited and told that it all belongs to them. They only question what is wrong when the supply of free stuff runs out. Then it is too late because the producers and the makers are all gone or no longer feel safe about taking the risk that only recently denied them the fruits of their pursuits.

    • Jen Kuznicki says:

      I don’t think he was wrong. If equality is offered by a democratic government, its only because you are expected to govern yourself, not bow to an overreaching despotic state. I think you are right that too many people now wish for a ruler, rather than rule themselves, and that our society has broken down to a very dangerous level on which we are truthfully rolling the dice. You point to the 2 Americas as Levin points to America or Ameritopia, all we can do is continue to be influential and speak to as many people as possible.

      • task says:

        He was not wrong for his time. He had no inkling, any more than our Founders had, that a people could be so persuaded that they would cannibalize their own liberty. He did know what socialism would bring, but at that time they did not figure out that they needed to disguise servitude under the banner of freedom. I almost fell over when I heard how Pelosi defended ObamaCare. Whether she knew it or not that is what the 19th century socialists tried to do.

        I will never forget a friend of mines mother, who bore a tattoo related to her imprisonment in a German concentration camp, when she balked over my consternation regarding an unnecessary tax that empowered the local government to do what it had no business doing. She said that the government needs the money and in this county government was good. She never grasped the fact that the most civilized of all counties in Europe was Germany and Prussia had years of experience with socialism to the extent that the rest of Europe admired them. Now just how bad can goodness become?

      • task says:

        So now we have to teach sheep not to empower wolves? They did not start out as sheep; they were educated and seduced to participate in their own demise. We did the same thing to Urus horribilis (Grizzly Bear) when they were encouraged to take handouts and feed out of dumpsters and then we reversed course and 40% of the population starved. If we can do that to bears we can do that to humans. We are both intelligent and belong to the class Mammalia that has many similarities. We are not free from the laws of nature. Technology does it's best but we have a long way to go to reprogram our brains and no economic superpower can offset the natural proclivity for humans to argue against what is not good for us. We need to be tricked to do that.