Karl Rove is taking over the RNC information systems as well as plotting to keep conservatives off primary ballots and creating front groups with names similar to existing conservative groups.
It is a game of control that will ruin Republican chances in 2014.
For five years now, conservatives have been sounding the alarms about one man. A top-down far-left authoritarian in our White House, who will change this nation from a Republic to something akin to a fascist state. We have witnessed the devastation of business and industry, hobbled by regulation and over-reaching controls by a behemoth federal government that was never supposed to be this far-reaching. The one goal of this federal government is to minimize individual autonomy.
How is that any different from the RNC handing so much control to Karl Rove?
From Thomas Edsall’s,
The extensive involvement of Rove, not only with Liberty Works, but also with all aspects of Republican efforts to build a technologically advanced, integrated voter list, has provoked new charges that Rove is acquiring unprecedented control over the Republican electioneering machine: over the aggregation of tactically valuable data and sharing it; over fund-raising; over candidate selection; over voter mobilization; and finally over issue prioritization.
Please read the whole article, it is so very revealing.
Oh, they’ll deny that Rove has so much control, or that he really has no financial stake, yada yada, but let’s cut the crap. Rove is going to completely destroy the Republican Party, and he relishes it. He figures all he has to do is get the winnables on the ticket and kick off those who receive local support, because in the end, Rove is convinced that the people really aren’t as smart as he is.
Priebus must be convinced as well, but then, he’s still the chair after losing the most winnable Presidential race ever, with 8% unemployment and an unprecedented takeover of the nations health systems.
Taking control of things and ruining them is hobby to these people.
Rove and Priebus know that there are plenty of grassroots members who will push back against the inevitable RINO Rovebot candidates, but they are blatantly sticking their finger in the eye of the people.
Just like Obama.
You cannot have a free country, where all men are created equal, when one man wants some men and women caged and disallowed to compete in the arena of ideas, simply because they are interested in speaking the truth. You cannot have a party, whose supposed platform is for local control, when every jackbooted operative is getting their marching orders from one guy at the top, and you won’t have a party left, when Rove’s brand of political hate-speak is turned on traditional Americans in your home town.
Priebus might not know it yet, but he isn’t the chair anymore. The overspending, underperforming loser from Texas is, and he’s about to take down the party.