Jen Kuznicki
RNC Committeeman for Michigan, Dave Agema has come under attack for things he has said at a county meeting, as a result of , written in the Herald- Palladium.
Dave Agema (R-MI) is a former state representative and currently one of the state’s reps to the Republican National Committee. And oh – lookie [...]
Welcome to the debate.
- Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. -Winston Churchill
- "It always amazes me the sheer number of women who defend abortion. Legal abortion has killed 52 million innocents since '73, that means 26 million roughly, were women. Sick." -Jen Kuznicki
- Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country. -Margaret Thatcher
- Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. -Ronald Reagan
- I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end. -Margaret Thatcher
- Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. -Winston Churchill
I Don’t Deny Global Warming Exists
I don't deny that global warming exists. It does not exist. There is not a pink elephant in my kitchen. I'm not denying it. It is not there. If I denied that there was a pink elephant in my kitchen, it would have to be there, but I would be lying to myself and everyone and walk around it to cook. But it is not there, therefore, I am not denying that it is.
New York Times Bestseller by Mark R. Levin
My Mischievous Twitter Feed
- we in politics talk in the constricted way we must, but all across the nation, reg. Americans will always say what they think from web
- RT : Good point. Left always pretends to care about so-called church/state separation, but many of them want state to suppres… from web
- yep from web
- but if you had watched it, you'd see why everyone else likes it. They pray together at the table at end of show and have a moral. from web
- BINGO you would not believe the amount of Christians/hunters/rural who love that show. They represent us. from web
- RT : Sorry but scanning A&E site, impression I get is of a net looking to profit from mocking middle America. Maybe that's why I n… from web
- RT : It is better rendered "condemn not". That's God's job. from web
- I can find neither solace or comfort in government. I cannot find hope nor light among those pretending to take my best interest to heart. I cannot worship or revere another human being because there are none alive that can instill my faith. Give me the One God; the One Who had created the heavens and earth and had purposefully breathed life into me. The One Who dwells in the secret place and watches over me and always keeps me company when all others abandoned me. But for Him I would have no purpose in this life; thank you Dear God.