Is the Republican leadership in the House engaged in some kind of cynical, diseased attempt at humor? Eric Cantor and John Boehner think the American people are stupid and frankly, they don’t care much about our lives either.
We are not expendable in some sort of game they are playing in Washington DC.
According to [...]
It’s gonna be too damn late when the Republican members of the IPAB realize that fully funded Obamacare means they will be the ones rationing healthcare. The whole thing is set up to see if they have the rocks to cut spending on Medicare. It is set up to make them be the death panel.
Reaching in to the mail bag today, I came across a letter from an intelligent lady named Patty Mofield Jones. Patty writes:
“I think the Republican Senators refusal to commit to defund Obamacare is the equivalent of Obama voting present in the Illinois Senate. If they make no commitment at all, they think they can’t [...]
Ponnuru and the rest of the capitulation experts can pound sand. DEFUND!
Ramesh Ponnuru of the plan to defund Obamacare in a recent posting in Bloomberg. He is telling Republicans to “drop” the plan to defund Obamacare, because he believes it will backfire.
There are times when cynicism gets the better of me about the Republican party, but I have no doubt about [...]
Boehner, Cantor, McConnell in Danger of Doing Worse Than Pelosi, Reid, Obama
What is it going to take to convince Republicans in the House that raising the debt ceiling is the wrong thing to do, no matter what?
Maybe a few polls?…
How about this, Obama, Pelosi and Reid rammed Obamacare down our throats while we protested, marched, emailed, called and pleaded with them not to. The [...]
Shut up, and sit down, Jen!
I will not.
I have been reading and staying very informed on how this budget deal played out, and all of the spin coming from both sides, and I do not believe that we won. And I’m sick of people on my side telling me that I just don’t [...]
Dear Republican Leadership, those little campaign promises that got you elected are being clearly brought to mind.
The CR cannot pass without including language to right a wrong. The Democrat’s dirty trick of including appropriations to the Obamacare bill cannot be tolerated. The party loyalists are getting fed some pretty murky swampwater on why Speaker [...]
Welcome to the debate.
- "It always amazes me the sheer number of women who defend abortion. Legal abortion has killed 52 million innocents since '73, that means 26 million roughly, were women. Sick." -Jen Kuznicki
- Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country. -Margaret Thatcher
- Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States. -Ronald Reagan
- I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end. -Margaret Thatcher
- Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. -Winston Churchill
- Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. -Winston Churchill
I Don’t Deny Global Warming Exists
I don't deny that global warming exists. It does not exist. There is not a pink elephant in my kitchen. I'm not denying it. It is not there. If I denied that there was a pink elephant in my kitchen, it would have to be there, but I would be lying to myself and everyone and walk around it to cook. But it is not there, therefore, I am not denying that it is.- I can find neither solace or comfort in government. I cannot find hope nor light among those pretending to take my best interest to heart. I cannot worship or revere another human being because there are none alive that can instill my faith. Give me the One God; the One Who had created the heavens and earth and had purposefully breathed life into me. The One Who dwells in the secret place and watches over me and always keeps me company when all others abandoned me. But for Him I would have no purpose in this life; thank you Dear God.
New York Times Bestseller by Mark R. Levin
My Mischievous Twitter Feed
- "I'm convinced, more than ever, that man finds liberation only when he binds himself to God and commits himself... from
- Bobbin's bare, Hallelujah! from
- Said I would stop sewing when this bobbin ran out a half hour's like the never-ending bobbin. :( from
- Pray for Jim Hoft, an extraordinary blogger, a good and kind man. from
- "If we trust in Him, keep His word, and live our lives for His pleasure, He'll give us the power we need - power... from
- Beautifully said. Sarah Palin educates and offers a prayer to the Jewish community during Yom Kippur from
- Cool! Hillsdale College is starting a new online course - Economics 101 - on September 23rd. Happy me! from